Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ikea won't keep me warm.

When searching for my first apartment all I could think about was "How much closet space is there?" "is the pool indoor or outdoor?" "What Ikea furniture would look best here?". Seriously.

And the wiser people ask questions like "what is the parking situation?" "How close is it to work?" "Is heating included in your rent?".

Now that I have actually lived in my apartment for 7 months I see the importance of all of the above (still including mine haha). Especially now, that it is in the dead of winter here in the cities. Thank goodness for my heated parking garage! No snow to scrape off in the morning. No worries if my car is going to start. And I can leave it there when I leave town for 2 weeks. Amazing!

The drive to work is 12 min long. So quick and easy. I am so grateful for my easy commute after a night of snow fall and working before the snowplows come out.

Lastly and most importantly, my heat is included in my rent. I lived in Wisconsin my whole life. That is one the "the states" people think about when they think cold. I never would have guessed there would be much difference from WI to MN. Well, boy was I wrong! It got colder faster than WI and sounds like MN is going to stay colder longer. Everyday I look at my hometowns temp and my current cities temp and it is easily always 20 degrees colder here. And I feel that difference! Brrrrrr.

I returned from my visit home on Sunday. My apartment was cold, but I expected that because I had turned it down before I left. As soon as I returned home I turned it all the way expecting my apartment to get warm well I was at work the next day. After a long stressful day at work I walked into a freezing apartment! It seems they are doing some water maintenance in my apartment building today. I am hoping that if there is a problem with my heat it will be fixed today. In addition to my slacking heat the patio doors I thought were so wonderful when I moved in are now my biggest problem. They have a terrible draft! I am stopping at the hardware store after work in hopes of finding double sided tape and plastic for my windows. Have to solve one problem at a time.

I just hope I don't have to keep layering my clothes before I go to bed. My laundry is building up. Good thing I have the closet space to keep it all in.

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