Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Opportunities never come to those who wait... they are captured by those who dare to attack.

I know I know I know!

I haven't blogged in while, obviously.
I actually have topics I want to talk about when I'm not feeling that inspiration. I just can't write. I wish I could go back to my English 201 class from college. It was an intro class but something about it helped me produce some of my best writings.

I think it was my professor, she had this wit and carefree personality, where it seemed like you could turn in a blank piece of paper and as long as you had valid writers explanation "It is an essay about my heart, it's empty" see how I did that? No one would ever do that though because her assignments were worth doing. It almost seemed like a competition, who could write the most witty paper. Who would get the best comments - written in purple ink of course. Our professor appreciated humor and out-of-the-box thinking. I need to channel whatever she was doing so I can feel that way about writing again.

I think I just need a little challenge in my life. I do well under pressure. I need a dose of some healthy competition and some witty banter.

-On a side note, click on any of the pictures above. I love the website. It may be someones much needed inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. I used to love to write, and now I have to write all the time for my master's program and despise it. Maybe after I graduate...

    P.S. - I'm dying to see the shop those picture came from because I adore the last one, but they aren't linked when I try to click them. :(
